Blog 10: How Does Foreigners and Expats Car Insurance in the United States Work? - CAR AERO SPEED

 How Does Foreigners and Expats Car Insurance in the United States Work?

A foreign national living in the United States, even temporarily, is qualified for auto insurance.
A U.S. driver's licence is not necessary to purchase car insurance from us.
Non-citizens can file claims in the same way as Americans.
To process your claims, a live person is on duty around-the-clock.

What are the Advantages of Clement for Foreigners in the United States?

Simply put, doing business with Clements is simple. While they are still establishing themselves in the United States, many expats find it challenging to obtain auto insurance, but our policies are made to accommodate the complexity of living abroad. Our insurance specialists are qualified to manage the unique conditions of an expat.

Do Temporary Visitors to the United States Need Insurance?

Yes. Both tourists and residents must adhere to the state's minimal auto insurance requirements, regardless of whether they are travelling or residing there. In America, you must have car insurance whether you lease, own, or rent the vehicle. Most rental car businesses offer insurance choices for tourists, but depending on how long you'll be there, you might be able to find a better deal with an insurer.
