Blog 4: What Happens when you drive without car insurance? - CAR AERO SPEED

 What Happens when you drive without car insurance?

What happens when you drive without car insurance?

Numerous driving situations necessitate the presentation of proof of insurance, such as being stopped by law enforcement for a burned-out taillight. Or if you were in an accident and had to give the other drivers your insurance information.
Let's say something similar occurs, and you don't have insurance. What transpires? To begin with, driving without insurance is prohibited in many states. Additionally, although while the penalties for driving without insurance vary from state to state, in general, you may expect to pay more in fines and fees than you would for most auto insurance premiums.

What other consequences are there for driving without insurance? Most individuals are unaware that you may also be subject to registration or licence suspensions, as well as possible jail time, in addition to penalties and fees.
For instance, a driver in Arizona will receive a $500 fine and a three-month licence suspension for their first infraction. Additional fines (up to $1,000) and longer licence suspensions (up to a year) may be imposed for subsequent offences.

Driving without auto insurance doesn't actually save you money.
Contrary to popular belief, driving without insurance is not a more prudent financial choice. These financial repercussions, according to Forbes, might really hurt your wallet.

  • A rise in insurance costs. You have a coverage gap if you drive without insurance. You can pay higher rates whenever you decide to get a policy if you have a coverage gap because it is viewed as a bigger risk to insure.

  • Repairing cars for yourself or others. Without insurance, you won't be covered for any car repair costs if you cause an accident. Not to mention, you are also responsible if you harm someone else's property, including their car, landscaping, etc.
  • Medical expenses. If you were to cause an accident that wounded someone, you might be liable for both their medical bills and your own.

So despite your best efforts to convince yourself that skipping insurance will save you some extra money, the truth is that you're actually taking a big financial risk. We at HiRoad want your experience with auto insurance to be straightforward and satisfying. You can save up to 50% a month with our insurance, which makes it simpler to incorporate into your budget.

Do you need car insurance? Yes.
Reiterating, driving without insurance is prohibited in several states. However, a car insurance coverage can assist in defending you, your family, other drivers, and your or their property. At HiRoad, we place a high value on careful driving and believe that your auto insurance should reward you for it. That seems really nice, Right?
